Sonali Patil, Rahul Agarwal, Saburi Ashtekar, Muskan Dolwani, Snehal Nagare, “Analyzing need of
Secure Forensic Report System using Blockchain”, International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET), PP 544-547,2020.
Tanuja Patankar, Sonali Patil, Abhijeet Gurle, “Tomato crop disease detection and Pest Management
TEST Engineering and management”, PP 6916-6922, 2020.
Sonali Patil, Harshada D Mane, Priyanka Manke, Chaitrali Landge, “A Survey of Automatic Music
Composition from Lyrics using Artificial Intelligence”, International Journal of Advanced Science and
Technology, PP 2619-2629, 2020.
Sonali Patil, Sarika Kadam, “Optimized Blockchain Network for Securing Digital Evidences of Forensic
Laboratories”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, PP 2630-2634, 2020.
Sonali Patil, Sarika Kadam, “Transparency in Agriculture Crop Pricing Using Blockchain”, International
Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, PP 2635-2541, 2020.
Patil Sonali, “Wireless Sensor Based Smart and Efficient Personal Car Assistant System”, Journal of
Applied Science and Computations, PP 2235-2239, 2019.
Priyanka Ajetrao, Sonali Patil, “Enhancing Security of Biometric Template in Multimodal Authentication
Systems”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), PP 767-769,2019
Patil Sonali, Pisal Jija, Patil Aishwarya, Ingavale, Siddhi, Ayarekar, Prajakta, Mulla, Mrs. Shagupta,
“A Real Time Solution to Flood Monitoring System using IoT and Wireless Sensor Networks”,
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2019.
Kamble Priyanka R, Patil Sonali, “Exploring secret image sharing with embedding of shares”, 2018 2nd
International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 1090-1093, 2018.
Patil Sonali D, Ithape Priya K, “Verifiable Image Secret Sharing with Cheater Identification”, 2018,
Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies
(ICICCT), PP 1238-1241, 2018.
Kamble Priyanka R, Patil Sonali, “Enhancing security of electronic patient record with tamper
detection”,2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), PP 767-769 , 2018.
Kamble Priyanka, Patil Sonali, “Medical Image Security with Cheater Identification, 2018 Fourth
International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), PP 1-6,
Kajal RK Pandey, Ketan Arwat, Ishaan Sharma, Sonali Patil, “Improvement and Enhancement in
Emergency Medical Services use IOT”, 2018.
Nehal Markandeya, Sonali Patil, “Image Compression Using Huffman Coding”, International Journal Of
Engineering And Computer Science, PP 19999-20002, 2017.
Sonali Patil, Kapil Tajane, “ Delegation of Authority in Organizations with Hierarchical Secret Sharing”,
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, PP 949-955, 2017.
Sonali Patil, Kapil Tajane, “Secure and Privacy Protected Bank Locker System Using RFID and
Biometrics”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, PP 957-965, 2017.
Sonali Patil, Priya Potnis, “Comparative Study of Cryptography and Secret Sharing”, International
Journal of Control Theory and Applications, PP 559-565, 2017.
Sonali Patil, Shweta Lokhande, Trishala Kamble and Priyanka Dhumal, “Enhancing Security of Vocal
Communication Over Open Network Using Multipath Routing”, International Journal of Control Theory
and Applications, PP 567-571, 2017.
Patil Sonali D, “Efficient Image Secret Sharing Using Parallel Processing for Row-Wise Encoding and
Decoding”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications, PP 207-214, 2017.
Patil Rupali S, Patil Sonali D, Thepade Sudeep D, “Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Trait
Authentication System”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications, PP 143-
151, 2017.
Markandeya Nehal, Patil Sonali, “Digital image compression hybrid technique based on block truncation
coding and discrete cosine transform”, 2017 International Conference on Trends in Electronics and
Informatics (ICEI), PP 1159-1162, 2017.
Patil Sonali, Dhumal Priyanka, Lokhande Shweta, Kamble Trishala, “Design and implementation of
secure biometric based authentication system using RFID and secret sharing”, Convergence in
Technology (I2CT), 2017 2nd International Conference, PP 480-482, 2017.
Markandeya Nehal, Patil Sonali, “Improve Information Rate in Thien and Lin's Image Secret Sharing
Scheme Using Huffman Coding Technique”, 2017 International Conference on Computing,
Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), PP 1-5, 2017.
Kakade Rutuja, Kasar Nikita, Kulkarni Shruti, Kumbalpuri Shubham, Patil Sonali, “Image Steganography
and Data hiding in QR Code, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, PP 2926 –
2928, 2017.
Patil Sonali, Jangra Ankur, Bhale Mandar, Raina Akshay, Kulkarni Pratik, “ Ethical hacking: The need
for cyber security”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation
Engineering (ICPCSI), PP 1602-1606, 2017.
Markandeya Nehal, Patil Sonali, “Optimizing Information Rate in Polynomial Based Image Secret
Sharing Scheme Using Huffman Coding” International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science,
Chaudhari Kiran R, Patil Sonali, “Secure and reliable transmission of chemical molecule structure using
QR code and secret sharing”, 2016 International Conference on Computing Communication Control and
automation (ICCUBEA), 2016.
Vyavahare Seema, Patil Sonali, “Analysing secret sharing schemes for audio sharing, Int J Comput Appl,
PP 39-42, 2016.
Chaudhari Kiran R, Patil Sonali, “Securing Barcodes Using Compressed Secret Sharing Scheme”,
International Journal of Computer Applications, PP 8887, 2016.
Patil Sonali, Bhagat Komal, Bhosale Susmita, Deshmukh Madhura, “Intensification of security in 2-factor
biometric authentication system”, International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC), 2015.
Suvarna Thube, Sonali Patil, “Analyzing Extended Secret Sharing Schemes based on Share Size”,
International Journal of Computer Applications, PP 40-44, 2015.
Patil Sonali, Tajane Kapil, Sirdeshpande Janhavi, “Enhancing security and privacy in biometrics based
authentication system using multiple secret sharing”, 2015 International Conference on Computing
Communication Control and Automation, PP 190-194, 2015.
Tajane Kapil, Patil Sonali, Pitale Rahul, Tajane Mayur, “Enhancing Security of Banking Locker System
Using Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Random Grids”, Emerging Research in Computing, Information,
Communication and Applications, PP 175-181, 2015.
Patil Rupali S, Patil Sonali, Thepade Sudeep D, “Secret Sharing based Secure Authentication System:,
International Journal of Computer Applications, PP 8887, 2015.
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “Verifiable image secret sharing in matrix projection using
Circuits, Systems”, Communication and Information Technology Applications (CSCITA), 2014
International Conference, PP 225-229, 2014.
Janhavi Sirdeshpande, Sonali Patil, “Amended Biometric Authentication using Secret Sharing”,
International Journal of Computer Applications, PP 28-32, 2014.
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “Image secret sharing with identification of cheaters”,2014
International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology Research (ICAETR-2014), 2014.
Sonali Patil, Prashant Deshmukh, “Secret Sharing Using Linearly Independent Vectors with Augmented
Proactive Capabilities, ICRTET’2014, PP 71-76, 2014.
Sonali Patil, Prashant Deshmukh, “A (t, n) threshold Gray Image Secret Sharing with Verification”
3rd International Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology”, 2014.
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “Enhancing security in secret sharing with embedding of shares in
cover images”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering, PP 2278-1021, 2014.
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “General Access Structure Secret Sharing in Matrix Projection”,
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014.
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “A Proactive Secret Sharing in Dot Product of Linearly Independent
Vectors”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing, ITC,
Patil Sonali, “Secure and Verifiable (2, 2) Secret Sharing Scheme for Binary Images”, International
Journal of Computer Science Issues, PP 290-293, 2013.
Sonali Patil, Kapil Tajane, Janhavi Sirdeshpande, “Analyzing Secure Image Secret Sharing Schemes
Based On Steganography”, International journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET), PP
172 – 178, 2013.
Rajasree RS, Patil Sonali, “Fair Contract Signing Protocol Based On Secret Sharing”, International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), PP 66-69, 2013.
Patil Sonali, Tajane Kapil, Janhavi Sirdeshpande, “Secret Sharing Schemes For Secure Biometric
Authentication”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, PP 2890-2895, 2013.
Patil Sonali, Rana Nikita, Patel Dhara, Hodge Prajol, “Extended Proactive Secret Sharing using Matrix
Projection Method, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, PP 2024, 2013.
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “A Novel (t, n) Threshold Secret Sharing Using Dot Product of
Linearly Independent Vectors”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and
Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), 2013.
Patil Sonali, Rana Nikita, Patel Dhara, Hodge Prajol, “Revisiting Proactive Secret Sharing Based On
Shamir's Scheme”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, PP 987, 2013.
Patil Sonali, Tajane Kapil, Sirdeshpande Janhavi, “An Explication Of Secret Sharing Schemes With
General Access Structure”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, PP 883,
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “Analyzing Relation in Application Semantics and Extended
Capabilities for Secret Sharing Schemes”, IJCSI, 2012.
Patil Sonali, Rana Nikita, Patel Dhara, Hodge Prajol, “Analyzing Proactive Secret Sharing Schemes”,
International Journal Of Next Generation Computer Applications, PP 22-25, 2012
Patil Sonali, Tajane Kapil, Sirdeshpande Janhavi, “General Access Structure For Modulo-2 Secret
Sharing Scheme”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2012.
Patil Sonali, Deshmukh Prashant, “An Explication of Multifarious Secret Sharing Schemes”, International
Journal of Computer Applications, 2012.
Gopal Arpita, Nikam Amresh, Patil Sonali, “Development of Parallel Algorithm for Image Enhancements
and Segmentation”, IJCSA, 2011.
Nikam Amresh, Vijay Kapade, Poonam Dhanraj, Patil Sonali Madhukar, “Reliable Phylogenetic Tree
Based (N, N) Secret Sharing Scheme”, IJCSA,2011.
Kazi Iffat, Patil Sonali, “Robust Biometric Person Identification Using Automatic Classifier Fusion Of
Speech, Mouth, Face Experts”, Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Information Technology (eIT-2007), 2011.
Nikam Amresh, Kapade Poonam, Patil Sonali, “Audio Cryptography: A (2, 2) Secret Sharing for Wave
File”, IJCSA, 2010.
Gopal Arpita, Patil Sonali, Nikam Amresh, “A parallel algorithm for outline capturing system for object
recognition”, 2010 IEEE 2nd International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), PP 21-24, 2010.
Amresh Nikam, Sonali Patil, “Phylogenetic Tree based (n, n) Secret Sharing Scheme”, IJCSA, 2010.
Gopal Arpita, Patil Sonali, Nikam Amresh, “A Parallel Algorithm for Image Edge Detection using
Difference Chain Encoding”, International Journal of Computer Science and Application, PP 113-13,
Sonali Patil, Arpita Gopal, Amresh Nikam, Madhuri Potey, “Security Enhancement by reliable secret
sharing and embedding using BPCS”, International Conference on Computer Networks and Security
(ICCNS-2008), PP 119-123, 2008.
Patil Sonali, “Qualitative Parametric Analysis of Load Balancing Algorithms In Distributed Computing
Environment”, National Conference on Advancements in Information Technology and Internet Security
(AITIS-2008), PP 43-47, 2008.
Sonali Patil, Amresh Nikam, “A Less Complex (n, n) Scheme for Sharing Secret Color Images”,
International Conference on Managing Next Generation Software Application, (MNGSA-2008), 2008.
Sonali Patil, Amresh Nikam, “A Combine Approach for Skin Color Based Hand Gesture Extraction”,
International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (ICACT '2008), 2008.